
Discover everything you need to know about the Bildungsgutschein in Germany. Here, you'll find comprehensive information to guide you through how you can benefit from this educational funding opportunity.

Bildungsgutschein Bootcamps

The initiative, which is funded by the German Federal Employment Agency, assists people in advancing their careers by funding their education and training. Explore our resources to find out how you can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to increase your employability and professional advancement.

On this website you can find detailed information about the conditions for eligibility, the application process, and how to use the Bildungsgutschein to fund one of our tech bootcamps.

Challenges in the Current Labour Market

Two major causes are producing a noticeable shift in the German labor market:

  • the quickening rate of digital transformation
  • the increasing shortage of skilled people, especially in technology-driven industries. This combination is creating a critical need for extensive upskilling and reskilling of the existing workforce to keep up with new technological advancements and processes.

Especially the need for tech-savvy individuals is growing as businesses in many sectors progressively incorporate digital technologies like artificial intelligence, big data, and automation into their operations

Investing in education and training is considered a strategic step to future-proof the workforce against ongoing digital transformations, rather than just a way to fill job vacancies right now. Germany wants to protect its economic future and make sure that its labor market can prosper in an increasingly digital environment by encouraging a culture of continuous learning and adaptability. Part of this movement is the Bildungsgutschein (education voucher) from the employment agency.

Bildungsgutschein Bootcamps

Bildungsgutschein: the Opportunity for Your Further Education

The Bildungsgutschein can be your ticket to a multitude of educational options, whether you're looking to change course in your profession, improve your current skill set, or land a new position. It does not only offer financial assistance for training in Germany, but it pays for course fees, required readings, and occasionally even transportation and lodging if the training location is far away. Once the financial barriers have been removed, you can concentrate on the further training without worrying about the cost!

Participating in education via the Bildungsgutschein can also greatly enhance personal growth. Learning new abilities can lead to lasting intellectual and emotional development by boosting self-esteem, creating a sense of accomplishment, and igniting new interests and passions. This program can help people who are jobless re-enter the workforce by providing them with skills that employers are looking for, potentially reducing the length of time they are unemployed.

The main objective of the initiative is to improve employability by funding training in fields important to the labor market, making participants more competitive for new positions or promotions. It supports a wide range of training programs, from management and healthcare to digital skills and IT, giving people the opportunity to choose the ones that best suit their professional goals. In order to accommodate students who must juggle other obligations like employment or family, many of these courses are also available in flexible formats, such as online or part-time. In order to keep the workforce up to date, the system dynamically adjusts to changes in the labor market, updating training courses when new technologies or skills become required.

Amount and Extent of the Funding

The financing made available by a Bildungsgutschein might differ significantly based on a number of variables, such as the type of training, the duration, and the individual's needs.

The Bildungsgutschein usually pays for the entire training course cost. This covers not just the tuition but also any associated costs like necessary learning materials, work clothing and examination fees. The voucher may also pay reasonable transport fees for participants who must go to a training facility that is not nearby, and even costs for accommodation and meals can be covered if daily commuting is not an option.

In some cases, the Bildungsgutschein even extends its support to cover childcare costs. This provision is particularly beneficial for parents who are keen to pursue further education or training but are concerned about the care of their children during this period. This inclusion ensures that training and development opportunities are accessible to a broader range of individuals, supporting them in balancing their family responsibilities with professional growth.

The Bildungsgutschein is an inclusive tool for career development because of its complete coverage, which guarantees that recipients can undertake necessary training without financial strain. The program's flexibility and emphasis on removing obstacles to educational possibilities are reflected in the ability to customize the precise amount and scope of coverage to each recipient's unique circumstances. To properly understand the amount of support they are eligible for, it is crucial for recipients to speak with their employment agency advisor about their unique needs and circumstances.

Bildungsgutschein Bootcamps
Bildungsgutschein Bootcamps

Requirements for Funding

In order to be eligible for funding through the Federal Employment Agency's Bildungsgutschein in Germany, an individual must fulfill several requirements. Besides residency in Germany, the other main prerequisite is that the training must be required in order for the person to secure employment, stay out of unemployment, or progress in their existing line of work. The job center or employment agency counselors usually determine this necessity based on the demands of the individual's professional condition and the state of the labor market at the time.

Furthermore, certification in accordance with the Accreditation and Admission Ordinance Employment Promotion (AZAV) is required for both the training provider and the program. This guarantees that the training meets the government-mandated standards for educational and vocational programs and is of the highest quality.

Another factor that could affect eligibility is the person's job status. The people who are most likely to receive a Bildungsgutschein are usually those who are unemployed or in danger of becoming unemployed. Employed people, however, can potentially qualify if the training is thought to be essential for their professional growth and to protect their job from the possibility of technological or financial changes in the sector.

During discussions with their employment agency advisor, applicants are typically expected to demonstrate their dedication to the training and its significance to their professional objectives. Through this procedure, funds are given out effectively and to people who are most likely to improve their employability through further training.

Step by Step Guide for Your Application


First Contact

Get in touch with your employment agency or jobcenter. They will invite you to a counselling interview. You can request your appointment online or in person



In this first consultation with the jobcenter you will discuss your career plans and goals, your previous work experience, and the type of further training you are considering. The case worker will then let you know whether you fulfill the individual requirements for subsidised further training. If this is the case, you can receive an education voucher.


Find training provider

Choose a certified training program that aligns with your professional goals. It is important to note that only training providers that are authorised to offer training and measures in accordance with the applicable legal provisions of SGB III are eligible for funding through the education voucher. You can also find these AZAV- certified training providers in the KURSNET database of the Federal Employment Agency.


Submit application

Prepare the required documents such as your CV, any relevant certificates, a copy of your ID, and proof of unemployment or risk of unemployment. Fill out the application form provided by your case worker at the Employment Agency or Job Center. Include your chosen course and training provider.


Receive and redeem education voucher

Once your application is approved, the education voucher serves as a written confirmation that your further education costs will be covered. It can be redeemed up to 3 months after the date of issue. Now you can enroll in your selected course, the ‘billing’ of your qualification is simply done via your education voucher.


Course participation and completion

It is essential that you attend the entire course in order to fulfill the requirements of the voucher and to ensure that you obtain the required knowledge and qualifications. After completing the course, inform your counselor and provide any certificates of completion.


Advance your career

Newly qualified, you are now ready to take on today’s job market! Review your updated resume with your counselor and discuss how to integrate your new skills into your job search. Leveraging your new qualifications to find suitable employment is the ultimate goal.

Our Pro Tips for You:

Use the Education Voucher to Fund your Tech Bootcamp at Code Labs Academy

For anyone seeking to advance in their IT profession or make their first steps into the tech industry, our accredited tech bootcamps, which are all fully AZAV- certified, are the perfect option. Whether you're interested in Web Development, Data Science, Cybersecurity or UX/UI Design, our bootcamps are designed to transform your ambitions into reality. Enroll in one of our bootcamps right now to start your journey to a successful career in tech. With the Bildungsgutschein a new exciting career is not only possible, but within reach. Apply and be part of the digital revolution!

If you want to receive more information about this funding option and our bootcamps, don’t hesitate to contact us - our admissions team will answer all your questions and help you with the application for the education voucher. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in yourself and transform your professional journey.

Why choose Code Labs Academy

  • 100% free courses with the Bildungsgutschein
  • Future-proof skills and hands-on learning
  • Career service up to 6 months after completion
  • Flexible and remote learning options